Match web client note formatting with the desktop
Our previous web client faithfully replicated ALL of the note styling and formatting from the desktop.
This duplication was lost with the launch of Vulcan, and I would very much like to see it restored.
This duplication would include:
* All note background colors (including replacing the default grey background)
* All note fonts
* Much, MUCH lighter weight horizontal rules that do not dominate the page
Metta Zetty commented
Another of the current issues is that internal links in the web client notes are almost impossible to see because the blue color of the link is very close to the default color of the font in the notes.
This problem could be completely resolved by the brain owner's note formatting customization choices IF the web client formatting in the notes *matched* the formatting from the user's desktop brain.
Metta Zetty commented
Also, please *restore* the small external link indictor that used to display immediately following external links in the web client notes.
This indicator is *immensely* helpful for readers of public brain projects to let them know when they will be clicking on a link that will take them *outside* of the brain they are currently viewing.