Bring back partial search option - an important search function was removed in update
Bring back partial search requests. Or use a single-digit wildcard to fill in missing info.
I used to be able to search for the last few characters of a string but that option has been removed in one of the updates.
Searching is now harder to use and find things.
For example:
"What is that 4444 number I saved? I forget. It's like 855, or 866-555-4444. Or is it 800?"
Search for 4444... nothing shows up.
Search for 8665554444... nothing shows up (because I forgot to add dashes)
In the older versions, I could find something like that easily.
The Brain support said to use question marks as wildcards, but when there are a different number of characters in question, how can one know all the possible variations?
A single-digit wildcard like * would find all three of the above examples. i.e., *4444 would find them all.
PLEASE reconsider updating the search or let me know a different way to find information when I only know the partial.