I would like to see a HotKey ShortCut for enabling and Disabling: "Activate Last Created Thought".
I find myself drilling down the Menu Tree:
Options/*Preferences/Behavior/Activate Last Created Thought
*Yes there is a short cut (Ctrl+,) to take you to Preferences.
But I still have to Drill down two more levels and then close the dialog box.
I find myself toggling this feature on an off more often aa I create more brains.
When I am doing "Batch Imports" Such as receipts and notes for a thought I like to have it turned off so I stay in the thought I am importing to. This lets me see the imports falling in place in the plex and also keeps me on the same thought so I can import more info and child thoughts.
But When I am creating New Thoughts I generally like to Activate the new thought so I don't have to scroll down through all the other child thoughts to continue working on that new thought.