Advanced search - find thoughts that mention a specific phrase in note
I want to find thoughts that mention a specific word or phrase.
All search tools use a special operator for this: quotation marks, but not TheBrain Desktop and Vulcan. Actually, put quotation marks around any word or phrase, such as ["advanced search"], will show all throught that contain any words in phrase.

Putting a search query in quote finds exact matches of the phrase and shows them first. Additional matches that contain all the words in the phrase are also shown. Given that, is the goal of request to eliminate these "extra" results?
John Sampson commented
I would want to see other criteria as well, such as are found in text editors - case-sensitivity (or not), Boolean logic, regexes etc.
Marnie L Hutcheson commented
I have tried for years to search for keywords in text lost somewhere in a thousand thoughts across many brains. I just tried putting "" around a word and searching for text in the body of a thought. I can see that it works... WOW!!!
The results are shown well described, and so its a boon to have both thoughts (across all my brains) and notes and attachments in all my brains report on the search string!!! Fabulous for Research!
And, we don't need to put "" around the search string to get it! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!I see that Xavers wants to be able to "eliminate the extra results" to filter the full set of results down...
I think the categorization approach is the best, because it is clearly defined and does not limit scope. But can there be a way to select/copy/capture a subset of the search results for further work? -
Xavers commented
And indeed, it would be more interesting to eliminate the extra results. As the search is now multi-brain, it would be preferable to see all results containing only the exact phrase, whatever the brain, rather than results in the current brain that don't match the exact phrase.
Xavers commented
I've just realised, it works with the single apostrophe \', not with quotation marks \".
Ideally, it should work with both. I think I'm not the only one who didn't understand this specificity at TheBrain.