137 results found
iOS Widgets with Thought Note Content or List of Thoughts
I'd love to see an iOS widget for TheBrain that displays the note content of a selected thought and another option to list the last x number of created, modified, or accessed thoughts. I'm only asking to show the data. Tapping on the note would bring you to the thought note in TheBrain, and tapping the thought name in the list option would open that thought.
Apple Notes widgets are excellent examples of a thought note content widgets. I've attached an example of the Thought Note Content.
Widgets enable background sync for the app on iOS, which could be an…
4 votes -
Enable Pro services for pro users on Android
When I opened TheBrain today, Pro services were unavailable. Please fix.
1 vote -
The Ctrl D function needs more range
Inside the notes pane the Ctrl D function inserts the current date within a note. This function should be expanded IMO to allow the user to choose to insert a specified date also rather than being constrained to a current date.
I would also like to see dates inserted to indicate if they have a linked reference to schedules within the timeline function; and of course throughout TB.
This just makes sense regarding the UI/UX for connecting to and from as many aspects and areas of our work within TheBrain.
1 vote -
add a "read-only" mode to the settings for on-line access.
I want to be able to navigate my Brain in no-plex mode without instantly triggering the edit mode everytime I touch the screen. My only option is to log out of TB, which then means I can't see private thoughts etc.
3 votes -
Interlink All Jumps
When a bunch of thoughts are added to selection, add a function, "Interlink All Jumps". This would make every thought that are jumps of one thought, link with all the other thoughts in that jump batch. Then when you jumped to another thought, the same jumps are also attached to the newly activated thought, and every thought in that selection.
12 votes -
Add ability to search for events in the reports view
I would like the abiilty to create a report of past events.
1 vote -
Better mouse hiding (temporary) when using the keyboard.
I'm a primarily keyboard user. My mouse usage is very sparingly. (Keyboard navigation is much faster)
One of my biggest complaints when using the option "update displayed content on mouse hover or keyboard highlight", is that the mouse location takes precedence.
The issue is the thoughts content preview doesn't work as expected when navigating with the keyboard. If the mouse happens to already be in the area where another thought comes into during the reposition process after activating a thought, then that thought content is shown. Because the content preview is not the new positioned center thought, but the thought…
3 votes -
I would like to see a HotKey ShortCut for enabling and Disabling: "Activate Last Created Thought".
I find myself drilling down the Menu Tree:
Options/*Preferences/Behavior/Activate Last Created Thought
*Yes there is a short cut (Ctrl+,) to take you to Preferences.
But I still have to Drill down two more levels and then close the dialog box.
I find myself toggling this feature on an off more often aa I create more brains.When I am doing "Batch Imports" Such as receipts and notes for a thought I like to have it turned off so I stay in the thought I am importing to. This lets me see the imports falling in place in the plex and…
1 vote -
Delete topic and have the option to retain sub topics
Let's have the ability to delete topics & to choose to retain (or not) subtopics converting the siblings into independent topics/thoughts.
See attached image.
1 vote -
More text control within the notes editor UI:
It's common to mistakenly write text realizing it's all the wrong case.
Let's have the ability to format text to either, ALL CAPS, Sentence caps or other formats, such as is common within Word, Libre Office and other notes editors. Even Mindjet (the dying product) has had this ability for many years.
See attached image
1 vote -
Make the brain linux-compatible1
After the experience of the past 5 years people are moving away from large corporations; they no longer trust them. The drive towards independence and personal control is leading to Increasing numbers of people choosing linux. By releasing a linux version you will grow your business and contribute to greater levels of freedom & autonomy.
10 votes -
Thought Encryption
It would be helpful to be able to encrypt individual thoughts. This should include the granular choice of encrypting:
- Thought name (I know, that might be weird from a usability perspective)
- Notes
- URL Links
- Attachments
Well, I guess basically everything.
9 votes -
Remote Management of Brain Installations for Security
In addition to the essential Two Factor Authentication capability implemented, we should have management of Brain installations available from account settings. This particular admin capability should also specifically require 2FA to open and then allow remote management / remote delete of brains / remote un-installation etc.
The use-case example is installing TheBrain on additional devices for use with online or local brains but in case of loss of tablet or a device, TheBrain should be able to be managed remotely from the user account so that should TheBrain be opened by a third party on a lost device, the software…
2 votes -
Work on the IPAD APP!
It is not consistent at all. I cannot type into child thoughts, sometimes when I launch the app the brain does not show up, it’s just a white screen. Why is that? TheBrain basically does not work on IOS. Brains are viewable on IOS but it’s very difficult to “work” on IOS. Would love for you to get back to me with these issues.
3 votes -
Allowing the X.com AI API to be used as an AI option to the Chat GPT Integration
The ChatGPT integration into Brain was in my opinion pure genius. Kudos to Harlan, Shelly, Matt, and all the engineers who made this possible.
Now could you do the same with others besides ChatGPT?
X.com AI integration would open TheBrain, in way I can only imagine.
6 votes -
Keep outlined notes contracted as in Logseq
Note editor should be improved. I’m using Logseq as an outliner instead of the Brain because in TB you can’t contract and expanded outlined Note. The contracted outline will be expanded by default when you open the note again.
3 votes -
Gamification Skill Tree View
To keep up with something that is out there, and where The Brain could leap forward into a new paradigm.
Create a "Skill Tree" view, which resembles skill trees that can be built in video games.
Add some graphics options such as thought shapes and zero text options.
We already have the option to modify the plex to have interesting backgrounds, so that isn't needed.
Being able to toggle text on and off, replacing it with an image. If you had the ability to use .png files for the images, then you could actually end up with very dynamic looking…
2 votes -
Allow item text size to be based proportionally on the number of children and/or jumps and/or parents. This might be handy in any view,
This would convey the importance or influence of an item. Optionally this could be done based on the number of clicks an item has. I think the basic concept has been termed "tag cloud" or "word cloud".
3 votes -
eml (Email) file support
Treat eml files like PDFs. Just show the to, subject, sent date, and body fields as if it were a PDF like document. I know that there have been a number of discussions on this subject, and the hangup seems to come down to issues with an email client. The common denominator is the eml file format. Allow us to attach it to a thought and view it's contents without launching an external app. Let us worry about how we get the eml file in the first place.
3 votes -
analysis of all the documents and notes contained in a brain (a bit like in Google notebooklm) to be able to analyze them with artificial intelligence.
In practice, thebrain could become a digital twin of one's mind or personality (soul?) that can be interrogated to understand the characteristics of the things that interest us or if we insert a personal diary the characteristics of our personality or identity to be investigated and discussed with artificial intelligence?1 vote
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