137 results found
Actionable Grid View (as alternative Plex view)
As an alternate to the Plex (I don't see using both at same time) have a filterable list (think simple spreadsheet or grid) where you can filter and sort columns. Columns would be adjustable but at minimum Thought Name, Type, Tags, Create Date, Update Date, Attachment Exists. You would select on the grid and the note would be visible. The idea is you could mass update Tags and Types, or you could rapidly move through a list of notes.
This is discussed here
https://forums.thebrain.com/post/requests-view-notes-by-date-and-last-update-grid-view-7560-and-7932-11249743?highlight=nvalt&trail=154 votes -
Repeat Screen Shot to Note at same size
When watching presentations in meetings or webinars, I often want to repeatedly screen capture into notes. Sometimes slides are moving fast and I don't have time to drag the screen shot window evertime.
As a user, I would like to have a command that Repeats Previous Screenshot and adds to current note.This is discussed here
https://forums.thebrain.com/post/request-function-for-screen-capture-same-size-8164-and-8165-11398979?highlight=screen%20shot&trail=151 vote -
create orphan thought from brainbox
I'd like to be able to create a new orphan thought from an entry in brain box rather than adding it as a child to something else and then having to unlink it.
2 votes -
I would like to be able to change link types all at once, similar to being able to changing types all at once.
I would like to be able to change link types all at once, similar to being able to changing types all at once. You can go to a parent thought and link all to children, so I think by this same logic you should be able to easily implement something like a change multiple link types at once. I use this a lot for families and showing lines of succession. I have siblings and spouses, children, etc. Having something like this would quickly be able to make my link type visible as something like "Sibling", "Parent/Child" or "Spouse". Out of…
36 votes -
Hide Text in Notes
I used a lot of LATEX to write long texts but now, I have pretty much switched over to use notes in the Brain.
One feature, however, I truly miss, is the possibility to hide text.In Latex, whenever I put a % sign in front of a line of text, the paragraph will not be printed, the text is however still there.
Why is such a feature interesting?
I am writing a text that later I will print out as a pdf and hand out.
% I work on the tex for a long time and put in ideas,…6 votes -
Enable AI to Summarize PDFs into Notes
I save many PDFs as child thoughts under a parent that describes the area of research those pdfs are relevant to. It would be useful for AI note generation to be able to use the contents of the PDFs. In this way a thought that contains a PDF could have a summary of the PDF as a note and I wouldn't have to open the PDF and read it entirely to know what it contains. Similarly, the parent though could contain a summary of the PDFs contained in its child thoughts. While I have focussed here on PDFs, this could…
31 votes -
Manual Sorting for Thoughts
Add the ability to manually sort thoughts under a parent.
Currently can use hidden numbering, however this is hard to maintain if the sorting needs to be adjusted, especially changing number in the middle of the sort.58 votes -
Thought Icons in Generated Documents
Document Generation including Icons. This would allow the rapid creation of eBooks and more quality for created Documents.
3 votes -
6 votes -
Extend report concept to become dynamic plex filters
The reporting function allows you to choose a combination of types, tags, and search criteria to return a set of matching Thoughts. Suggestion is to extend this concept to filter the set of visible Thoughts and Links in the Plex.
Select the ":Location" type and view the plex geographically, showing customer sites and navigating via cities, countries, and regions. Disable the filter to bring all the other context back.
Select either "#Services" or "#Licenses" to view sales opportunities relating to services projects or license sales.
Select ":Person" type and "#ReportsTo" tag to generate an org chart view. Add ":Location"…
13 votes -
Better Redo Function in the AI of the Notes Editor
When using the Redo function in the AI assitant of the notes editor it would be helpful to have access to the last prompt entered. Often a Redo implies a change or refinement of the last prompt. Currently one has to reenter the complete previous prompt (and to remember the exact previous wording).
2 votes -
4 votes
Font settings for note area
The fonts of paragraphs and headings at all levels in the note style can be set individually just like in the theme settings. and it is useful to solve the problem of personalization of notes for users from non-English speaking countries by directly calling the fonts installed in the system, especially to solve the problem of abnormal rendering of English characters when mixing Chinese and English, which is more conducive to the internationalization of TheBrain.
9 votes -
The note indicator in the Plex area and the back link in the note area can be hovered for viewing and editing like the Hover Editor plug-in
The note indicator in the Plex area and the back link in the note area can be hovered for viewing and editing like the Hover Editor plug-in in Obsidian. This is simply great. We need more powerful note editing functions.
The recent list below the Plex area allows you to view older ideas by scrolling the mouse wheel, which is very useful for users with small screens.
18 votes -
Add support for MathJax formulas, just like ANKI.
Both thoght nodes and notes support MathJax mathematical formulas to solve the problem of inability to input in subjects such as physics and chemistry. In addition, the formulas can support Chinese and other non-English characters.
18 votes -
add print functionality to the mindmap view
The 'workaround' of taking a screenshot and printing it is NOT suitable. I want to be able to natively print the mind map, several levels deep, on to A3 so it can be added to hardcopy report packs. To get all levels in a screen shot means zooming out, and then taking the screenshot, pasting it into something else and then scale it up to A3. This results in a really poor quality output.
1 vote -
Allow assigning preset templates to Thoughts
Have the ability to apply a template to an existing thought, or at the time of creation.
Thought Templates should allow setting:
* Thought Type
* Thought Tag
* Standardised Notes text
* Standardised Attachments
* Date Incrementation in Thought Name or notes
* Standardised link type (only applicable to link made at time of creation)12 votes -
Outlining (In Notes) - Move children when parent moved
Currently the only outlining features available in notes are
1. Create structured or unstructured notes
2. You can move a line up & down using keyboard shortcutsAssume My outline looks like
This is Root
-------Parent A
------------Child A1
------------Child A2
------------Child A3
-------Parent B
1. If I were to move Parent B up , the expected B should be
This is Root
---------Parent B
---------Parent A
-------------Child A1
-------------Child A2
-------------Child A3
But the behaviour in notes inThis is Root
------Parent A
----------Child A1
----------Child A2
------Parent B
----------Child A3
2. Same for Indenting & Outdenting of nodes…2 votes -
Attribute Inheritance with Tags
If not explicitly overridden subtypes inherit the attributes (i.e. color, icon) of their super type.
The same should happen with tags and subtags.1 vote -
UI enhancements to the AI note generation
Have a text box to add some text at the bottom of AI generated content. For me it would be "Generated by $model on $date". Ideally those would fill in
For Length of AI, a slider is not a good interface. Replace with Radio buttons giving easy access to different lengths. See screen shot
https://forums.thebrain.com/post/feedback-word-count-on-ai-9841-9930-9931-12744381Add a checkbox to optionally have AI add a Wikipedia link and maybe some other common ones. I often type this in and its helpful to get this link automatically.
1 vote
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