129 results found
We need a powerful note editor like Typora
I hope you can refer to the markdown software Typora.
Its mathematical functions are quite powerful, with inline mathematical formulas and formula blocks, support for non-English characters, and center-aligned lines.The rendering process is processed by MathJax.
It also supports using pandoc to import and export documents, which is very convenient.Export to PDF with bookmarks. Go further and export or import. More formats, including docx, OpenOffice, LaTeX, MediaWiki, Epub, etc, can be exported or imported.
Automatically match common MD editor characters,Auto complete pair of brackets and quotes like a code editor. Also, There's also an option to auto pair markdown symbols,…
13 votes -
Separate background customization from thought Types
Currently the only way to customize thought backgrounds, a valid use case on its own, is by assigning a type that has one associated by it. This renders the typing system useless.
So for my (creative) work flow, I want to assign backgrounds and types, but they are not linked. Types are supposed to work cross cutting across the plex, but this breaks if your background-requirements are not exactly the same.
It would make more sense to have background simply a property of thought itself. Or of tags with some sort of priority system, but that would be complicated in…
13 votes -
Extend report concept to become dynamic plex filters
The reporting function allows you to choose a combination of types, tags, and search criteria to return a set of matching Thoughts. Suggestion is to extend this concept to filter the set of visible Thoughts and Links in the Plex.
Select the ":Location" type and view the plex geographically, showing customer sites and navigating via cities, countries, and regions. Disable the filter to bring all the other context back.
Select either "#Services" or "#Licenses" to view sales opportunities relating to services projects or license sales.
Select ":Person" type and "#ReportsTo" tag to generate an org chart view. Add ":Location"…
13 votes -
Support structured notes
While the free form of notes is useful, there are also scenarios where I'd like to feed/store handle structured data in my Brain (like records of database).
So the parent thought could have some flag associated with it that would cause all child notes to have a certain type.
And for every type, it should be possible to add "fields" to notes (in addition to a "text" field that all notes have). Field types could be (in addition to "markdown") be "integer", "float", "date", "boolean".
And these fields should be available in selections with comparison options as appropriate for the…13 votes -
I would like to use an AI tool like perplexity or even internal Brain AI to search all thoughts and attachments
Right now the Brain ai tools go to the web to get their results. I would like to use all the information I have in my brains as the data source instead or in conjunction with the WWW. So this search could be from within the brain or via an external ai tool like perplexity
12 votes -
Interlink All Jumps
When a bunch of thoughts are added to selection, add a function, "Interlink All Jumps". This would make every thought that are jumps of one thought, link with all the other thoughts in that jump batch. Then when you jumped to another thought, the same jumps are also attached to the newly activated thought, and every thought in that selection.
12 votes -
Features to add to mobile app
Calendar should be visible in mobile apps, we should be able to edit link labels/name thought relationships in the mobile apps.
Basically, if we want to put all our thoughts out in the brain but we cannot access it on our phone app (since a laptop/ipad is not portable all the time), it makes it less useful. The phone app should be a close replica of the desktop app to really make thebrain more useful to the users. Thanks.
11 votes -
Advanced search - find thoughts that mention a specific phrase in note
I want to find thoughts that mention a specific word or phrase.
All search tools use a special operator for this: quotation marks, but not TheBrain Desktop and Vulcan. Actually, put quotation marks around any word or phrase, such as ["advanced search"], will show all throught that contain any words in phrase.
11 votesPutting a search query in quote finds exact matches of the phrase and shows them first. Additional matches that contain all the words in the phrase are also shown. Given that, is the goal of request to eliminate these "extra" results?
Button to (temporarily) disable navigation in any Layout
The Mindmap Layout is unique in that clicking and activating a node doesn't navigate to it. For bulk thought updates (like renumbering them for example, or mass note updates), this is super useful!
But why not enable this mode of thought activation in any Layout? There's plenty of space next to the Layout button to switch between 'normal' mode and 'locked navigation' mode.
Or else allow a ctrl-shift click on a thought (or similar) to activate without navigating.
11 votesPlanning to experiment with this and see how it goes.
Enable an OFF switch for the AI tool
This is a personal thing for me and maybe other users may feel empathy for me. I do not at this time favour the inclusion of the AI function and would appreciate if a user off switch would be best for strange users such as I. Maybe to make it a usage preference. I wanted to say I often pause using TB since the inclusion of the AI function. Yes I do know I can use it or not, yet the exponential evolution of AI is unsettling to this older mind. Sorry guys, I just have to say what I…
11 votes -
Allow assigning preset templates to Thoughts
Have the ability to apply a template to an existing thought, or at the time of creation.
Thought Templates should allow setting:
* Thought Type
* Thought Tag
* Standardised Notes text
* Standardised Attachments
* Date Incrementation in Thought Name or notes
* Standardised link type (only applicable to link made at time of creation)10 votes -
9 votes
Make any animation/movie file continuously playable in a loop inside Thebrain (eventually switch on/off)
Make any animation/movie file continuously playable in a loop inside Thebrain
Almost any other software that is able to play movies has an option to loop the file your watching continuously. Not Thebrain... GIF / MP4 / MOV / ... doesn't matter, just add an option to loop the content independent from the platform (browser/desktop) your using, please!
Best Regards
9 votes -
Font settings for note area
The fonts of paragraphs and headings at all levels in the note style can be set individually just like in the theme settings. and it is useful to solve the problem of personalization of notes for users from non-English speaking countries by directly calling the fonts installed in the system, especially to solve the problem of abnormal rendering of English characters when mixing Chinese and English, which is more conducive to the internationalization of TheBrain.
9 votes -
Thought Encryption
It would be helpful to be able to encrypt individual thoughts. This should include the granular choice of encrypting:
- Thought name (I know, that might be weird from a usability perspective)
- Notes
- URL Links
- Attachments
Well, I guess basically everything.
9 votes -
Add callout block function with note - Markdown
Callouts helps us include additional content without breaking the flow of our notes.
Add a few types to display with distinctive colors and icons to indicate the importance of the content, such as :
- Note - Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
- Tip - Optional information to help a user be more successful.
- Important - Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
- Warning - Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
- Caution - Negative potential consequences of an action.
Supported types for Github:
https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/16925Supported types for Obsidian:
https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Callouts#Supported+types8 votes -
Automatic linking of thoughts (in notes) option
One click to link all thoughts in a note. This will also serve to reactivate dead links (which happens when you merge thoughts then delete forgotten).
7 votes -
Implement Hashtags for searching and potentially interoperable with TB Tags
1) As a user, I would like to search on hashtags that exist in included markdown documents or that I might add to Brain notes. Currently special characters like # are stripped out of search
2) As a user, I would like hashtags to work interoperable with Tags. Any found hashtags would show up in the Tags menu. This would greatly increase interoperability with other markdown tools
One of many forum threads
https://forums.thebrain.com/post/is-there-a-future-for-hashtags-7444-11119130?highlight=search%20hashtags&trail=306 votes -
Hide Text in Notes
I used a lot of LATEX to write long texts but now, I have pretty much switched over to use notes in the Brain.
One feature, however, I truly miss, is the possibility to hide text.In Latex, whenever I put a % sign in front of a line of text, the paragraph will not be printed, the text is however still there.
Why is such a feature interesting?
I am writing a text that later I will print out as a pdf and hand out.
% I work on the tex for a long time and put in ideas,…6 votes -
Bring back partial search option - an important search function was removed in update
Bring back partial search requests. Or use a single-digit wildcard to fill in missing info.
I used to be able to search for the last few characters of a string but that option has been removed in one of the updates.
Searching is now harder to use and find things.
For example:
"What is that 4444 number I saved? I forget. It's like 855, or 866-555-4444. Or is it 800?"
Search for 4444... nothing shows up.
Search for 8665554444... nothing shows up (because I forgot to add dashes)In the older versions, I could find something like that easily.
6 votes
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